Late night thoughts

Hello, friends! If you’re still out there, that is…?

It’s been almost a whole YEAR since I updated…I can’t even believe it! I’ve been meaning to post things for a while now, and I keep a running list on my phone of potential topics, but it’s been a combination lately of “No time/not inspired/I’ve forgotten.” Apologies all around!

I have been slowly updating my portfolio though, so check out that if you’re interested, and will be posting a new and improved resume by the end of the month.

A lot has changed for me since I’ve last written – I handed in the final research papers of my undergraduate college career, I graduated Ithaca College in May (!!!!) and have been taking some time off since then. I’d like to think of this year post-grad as my gap year. Frankly, after graduating and throwing myself into my summer job working at a restaurant, by the time September rolled around, I was more than a little burnt out.

Since ending my summer job in early September (most of the summer staff ended in early fall) I’ve focused on taking some time to breathe and figure out what I want to do next. Easier said than done, right?

I’ve done things that I’ve maybe put off doing because of college/life. Mid-September, I flew down to Florida with my sister to spend an amazing week with our grandparents. We don’t get to see them much, so seeing them twice in one year was a real treat for sure!

In October, my best friend asked for a favor. He had moved out to New Mexico in July, was headed back East for another job opportunity that came up, and asked if I’d be willing/able to fly out west and drive cross country with him. Obviously, I said yes, and had booked a flight to Albuquerque two weeks later. All things considered, I am a little peeved at him. Just when I had finally gotten the hang of spelling “Albuquerque,” he picked that moment to move home. Because of course haha! 🙂

Five days, eight stops for gas, three nights spent with family and friends, one night spent in a ridiculously sketchy Motel 6 in Ohio (…don’t even get me started. I was so skeeved out!) and numerous Disney karaoke sessions later, and we successfully made it back to New York State!

Also in October, I started an internship in the education and marketing departments at Girl Museum, a virtual museum that is dedicated to celebrating and preserving the history of girls around the world. As a former history and women’s studies minor, I’m absolutely thrilled to be working there – it’s right up my alley! So far I’ve published a handful of blogs for the museum, and started writing a political column for them called “No Time for Fear: Politicking Girls.” The links to all of my blogs can be found in my portfolio. I’m currently writing my next blog (to be published Monday, 1/23) about the history of American First Ladies, and the impact they have on young girls and women.

In December I flew to Iowa to visit a close friend, and I spent the weekend at her parents’ house snuggling her (very needy) dogs and loving every minute of it! It was great to see her, even if my flight to Chicago got cancelled and she was already driving back home, 3 hours from her parents’ house. So I called her angel of a mother to come pick me up, and she dropped me off at the airport the next morning! ❤

The holidays were hectic around my house, to say the least! There have been a lot of medical emergencies with one of my siblings, so most of our energy has been spent dealing with that. I was really productive two weeks ago, starting to focus my energies firmly on job hunting, and then this past week has just been a wash – I’ve been stress cleaning like you would not believe! And somehow the house looks the same? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Slowly but surely I’m figuring out what my real passions are and what I want to do someday, eventually (hint: not exactly what I went to school for), but for right now, I’m trying to network as much as possible, refine my resume/cover letter/clips, and focus on being the best job candidate I can be. I’m hoping to move to New York City, alone or with a close friend in mid to late spring, so fingers crossed for that!

Up next, I’m prepping for the Seneca Falls rally this Saturday in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington [more on that later], and then I’ll be hitting the road on Monday, to drive down to Orlando, Florida with my best friend, who just got a job there. On my way back north, I’ll be stopping in Washington D.C. on Jan. 28 to spend some time with my college best friend. I haven’t been to D.C. since I was a kid, and don’t really remember it, so I’m very excited to do all the historical, touristy stuff 🙂

After that road trip, I’ll again be focused on the job hunt. God only knows, but hopefully I’ll get something soon. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately – a friend shared it with me, and it resonated deeply.


Thanks for listening! I’ll try and update more frequently, I swear! My new goal for 2017 (besides journaling at least 3 times a week) is to blog at least once a month. Positivity!

Until next time,

xx Sage